Membership & Donation Form
Aurora Genealogical Society
P.O. Box 31732, Aurora CO 80041-0732
Send check or money order made payable to AGS and this form to:
Membership Vice President, Aurora Genealogical Society, PO Box 31732, Aurora, CO 80041-0732
New ________ Renewal ________ Donation ________ Date: ______________________
Name(s): _______________________________________________________________________
Telephone: _____________________________________________________________________
City_____________________________ State_________ Zip Code ___________-__________ (Include your 4-digit ZIP code extension)
Level of Genealogical Experience: o beginner o intermediate o advanced
I need help with:________________________________________________________________
Surnames being researched: _____________________________________________________
May we publish your information in the newsletter and membership directory? Yes o No o
E-mail Address(s): _______________________________________________________________
Check here if you would like the newsletter e-mailed to you: o
Early Membership Dues Payment $ 20.00 (dues paid prior to January 1)
Student Membership $ 22.00 (copy of Student ID required) Membership Dues $ 25.00 (90 or older no need to pay dues. Please fill out and return form)
Donation to National Archives Gift Fund $_________
Donation to AGS Speaker Expense Fund $_________
Total $_________